Sunday, January 26, 2020

Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunisation in babies

Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunisation in babies Importance of breast milk as a mode of passive immunization in babies Content 01) Introduction 02) Composition of breast milk 03) Passive Immunization 4. Components in breast milk which contribute to the passive immunization in babies 4.1) Anti-infective 2) Ant allergic 3) Anti-inflammatory 4) Drugs 05) Conclusion Introduction Breastfeeding provides unsurpassed natural nutrition to the newborn and infant. Human breast milk also contains numerous protective factors against infectious disease and may influence immune system development.If immune system development is significantly improved with the introduction of components of breast milk, then prematurely discontinued breastfeeding may facilitate pathogenesis of many chronic diseases later in life (e.g., autoimmune disorders) In addition to being the best source of nutrition for newborns and infants, human breast milk also provides immunologic protection against many infectionsAlthough most of the immunologic benefit cited by researchers relates to protection from diarrheal diseases that are especially prevalent in developing countries(2,3) breastfeeding has also been shown to protect infants against extra intestinal infections, such as otitis media(4,6)and respiratory diseases.(7,10) Breast-feeding maintains the maternal-fetal immunological link after birth, may favor the transmission of immune competence from the mother to her infant, and is considered an important contributory factor to the neonatal immune defense system during a delicate and crucial period for immune development. The protection from infections may be ensured either passively by factors with anti-infective, hormonal, enzymatic, trophic, and bioactive activity present in breast milk, or through a modulator effect on the neonatal immune system exerted by cells, cytokines, and other immune agents in human milk. This essay will show how these factors of breast milk affect the passive immune system in babies. Composition of Breast milk Breast milk has all the necessary nutrients for infant in correct proportions  including macro and micronutrients. The first fluid produced by mothers after delivery is colostrum, which is distinct in volume, appearance and composition. Colostrum, produced in low quantities in the first few days postpartum, is rich in immunologic components such as secretory IgA, lactoferrin,leukocytes, as well as developmental factors such as epidermal growth factor (4).Colostrumalso contains relatively low concentrations of lactose, indicating its primary functions to beimmunologic and trophic rather than nutritional. Levels of sodium, chloride and magnesiumare higher and levels of potassium and calcium are lower in colostrum than later milk.(1) The nutritional components of human milk derive from three sources: Some of the nutrientsof milk originate by synthesis in the lactocyte, some are dietary in origin, and some originatefrom maternal stores. Overall, the nutritional quality of human milk is highly conserved, butattention to maternal diet is important for some vitamins and the fatty acid composition ofhuman milk.(4) The macronutrient composition of human milk varies within mothers and across lactationbut is remarkably conserved across populations despite variations in maternal nutritional Status (13).The mean macronutrient composition of mature, term milk isestimated to be approximately 0.9 to 1.2 g/dL for protein, 3.2 to 3.6 g/dL for fat, and 6.7 to7.8 g/dL for lactose. Energy estimates range from 65 to 70 kcal/dL, and are highly correlatedwith the fat content of human milk. Macronutrient composition differs between preterm andterm milk, with preterm milk tending to be higher in protein and fat. A study inDavis, California examined the association between maternal characteristics and the composition of human milk macronutrients(4) and found that after 4 months postpartum, themacronutrient concentrations of human milk are associated with one or more of thefollowing factors: Maternal body weight for height, protein intake, parity, return ofmenstruation, and nursing frequency. This study also found that mothers who producehigher quantities of milk tend to have lower milk concentrations of fat and protein but higherconcentrations of lactose. The proteins of human milk are divided into the whey and casein fractions or complexes,with each comprised by a remarkable array of specific proteins and peptides(4,1).The mostabundant proteins are casein, ÃŽ ±-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, secretory immunoglobulin IgA,lysozyme, and serum albumin.(14) Non-protein nitrogen-containing compounds, includingurea, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, amino acids, and nucleotides, comprise ~25% of humanmilk nitrogen. Human milk protein concentration is not affected by maternal diet, but increases with maternal bodyweight for height, and decreases in mothers producing higher amounts of milk.10 Human milk fat is characterized by high contents of palmitic and oleic acids, the formerheavily concentrated in the 2-position and the latter in the 1- and 3-positions of thetriglycerides. Fat is the most highly variable macronutrient of milk. Hind milk, defined as thelast milk of a feed, may contain two to three times the concentration of milk fat found inforemilk, defined as the initial milk of a feed. The principal sugar of human milk is the disaccharide lactose. The concentration of lactosein human milk is the least variable of the macronutrients, but higher concentrations oflactose are found in the milk of mothers producing higher quantities of milk. (10) The other significant carbohydrates of human milk are the oligosaccharides, which compriseapproximately 1 g/dL in human milk, depending on stage of lactation and maternal geneticfactors. (1) Human milk provides the normative standard for infant nutrition. Nevertheless, manymicronutrients vary in human milk depending on maternal diet and body stores , including vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D,and iodine.(1) Vitamin K is extremely low inhuman milk and thus, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an injection of thisvitamin to avoid hemorrhagic disease of the newborn(4).Vitamin D also occurs in lowquantity in human milk, particularly with low maternal exposure to sunshine, a circumstancenow common in populations worldwide Human milk contains numerous growth factors that have wide-ranging effects on theintestinal tract, vasculature, nervous system, and endocrine system. Intestinal maturation and repair: Epidermal growth factor (EGF) Found in amniotic fluid and breast milk, (1, 4) EGF is critical to the maturation andhealing of the intestinal mucosa EGF is highest in early milk anddecreases over lactation.45,46 The average EGF level in colostrum is 2000-fold higher and inmature milk is 100-fold higher than in maternal serum.41 Further, preterm milk containshigher levels of EGF than term milk.(4) Growth and development of the enteral nervous system: Neuronal growth factors (GDNF) In human cells, breast milk-derived GDNF increases neuron survival and outgrowth.51 Tissue growth: The insulin-like growth factor (IGF) superfamily IGF-I and IGF-II, as well as IGF binding proteins and IGF-specific proteases, are found inhuman milk.(1, 4)Levels are highest in colostrum, and steadily decline over the course oflactation.(1,4). Enteraladministration of physiological levels of IGF-I stimulates erythropoiesis and increaseshematocrit.(1) Regulation of the vascular system: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) Angiogenesis is regulated primarily by the relative expression of VEGF and its antagonists. VEGF concentration is highest in colostrum in both preterm and term human milk, withpreterm milk containing less VEGF than term milk.(4) Intestinal development and prevention of anemia: Erythropoietin (Epo) Milk contains significant quantities of Epo, which is the primary hormone responsible forincreasing red blood cells (RBC). Blood loss, intestinal pathology, and immaturity of thehematopoietic system all contribute to anemia of prematurity, which profoundly impactsgrowth and development. (4,1) Growth-regulating hormones: Calcitonin and Somatostatin Calcitonin and its precursor procalcitonin are present in large quantities in milk.(4) Somatostatin is rapidly degraded in the jejunum and not transferred through theintestinal wall, but delivery with milk protects it from degradation and maintains bioactivity within the lumen (1, 4). Passive Immunization the ability of an organism to resist disease, either through the activities of specialized blood cells or antibodies produced by them in response to natural exposure or inoculation (active immunity) or by the injection of antiserum or the transfer of antibodies from a mother to her baby via the placenta or breast milk (passive immunity)(7,8,10) Passive immunization can be categorized as Natural and Artificial. Artificially prepared antibodies are introduced in congenital or acquired immunodeficiency,4,7where as naturally occurring passive immunity transfer of maternal antibody –mediated immunity through placenta or breast milk(3,4,7). Mother’s previous exposure to antigens is directly proportional to the amount of antibodies present in the milk9. Although antibodies are proteins, they do not breakdown into peptides by the proteolytic activity of infant’s gastric enzymes(14).Thus they provide immunity throughout the digestive tract and systemic immunity without exerting any allergic symptoms (4, 7, 8, 10)for common diseases occur after birth. Components in Breast milk which contribute to the passive immunization of babies These components can be categorized into several groups according to their function. (1) Anti-infective (2) Anti-allergic (3) Anti-inflammatory (4) Drugs (01) Anti-infective properties The protective effect of breast-feeding against infections is called the Anti-infective propertiesin the newborns immature immune system.As compensation has the baby in the first months trans placental spoken transferred IgG from the mother.In addition, antibodies and other immune components transmitted through breast milk(3).Humoral and Cellular factors are responsible for infant immunological properties.(8) Humoral factors There are various protective factors present in human milk, including immunoglobulin (Ig), lysozymes, the bifidus factor and nutrient-carrier proteins which bind vitamin B12,folate,and iron(in lactoferin) and limit their availability for intestinal bacteria, especially E.coli.(8) The immunoglobulins include IgC, IgM and IgD. The most important of these in man appears to be secretory IgA (sIgA).It defers antigenically from serum IgA. Secretory IgA is especially high in colostrum (2-4 mg/ml). sIgA is a compact molecule, and is resistant to proteolytic enzymes of the gastro-intestinal secretions and low stomach ph. Secretory IgAin human milk is in 10-100 times greater concentrations than in maternal serum.(3,8) In older individuals, sIgA is normally produced by sub epithelial cells in the intestinal tract. (8)During the early weeks of life the neonate does not secret this antibody, so that IgA in colostrum and milk act as an antiseptic intestinal paint, protectingintestinal epithelial surfaces until the infant’s own immune mechanisms mature. Bifidus factor is an N-containing carbohydrate. It is present in very high concentrations in colostrum.(3,8) It lost if breast milk is boiled. The bifidus factor in human milk (combined with the low pH of the intestinal contents) facilitates the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus (Bifidobacteria),which appears to have an intestinal guardian function, in particular checking the growth of undesirable, possibly harmful organisms, such as pathogenic E.coli. Human milk contains large amounts of lactoferine (2 mg/100 ml) a powerful bacteriostatic.Lactoferin acts synergistically with sIgA. Lactoferin is an unsaturated iron binding compound which competes for iron with enteral organisms.(3) Lysozyme is a well-recognizedanti-infective substance found in breast milk(up to 2mg/100ml).This enzyme inhibits the growth of many bacterial species by disrupting the proteoglycan layer of the bacterial cell wall(3,7). And may play a role in protecting against various viruses, includingHerpes hominis virus. Fresh breast milk has been used in some traditional cultures as eye drops in the treatment of conjunctivitis. (12) Other anti-infective substances which have a similar protective functions are interferon, derived fromlymphocytes, which may have anti-viral properties against neonatal infections with, for example, herpes virus(8) Cellular effects Human milk is a â€Å"live fluid† as is blood, with active enzymes (lysozyme, lipase), hormones (corticosteroids) and cells. The primary cell in human milk appears to be the microphages (at least 2700 per  µl), with lymphocytes, neutrophils and epithelial cells. The microphages secretelysozyme and lactoferrin. They are motile, amoeboid and phagocytic. Lymphocytes are also abundant in human milk. They produce sIgA and interferon Human breast milk, and especially the early colostrum, contains measurable levels of leukocytes. Breast milk contains up to 4000 leukocyte like cells per micro liter during the first two weeks of life. Colostrum contains approximately 5_106 cells per mL, an amount that decreases tenfold in mature milk. (7,8,3) Most of these leukocytes are macrophages and neutrophils, which phagocytes microbial pathogens. Lymphocytes, including T cells, natural killer cells, and antibody producing B cells, make up 10% of the leukocytes in human breast milk(8). There is evidence to suggest that these cells survive passage through the infant’s gastrointestinal system where they are absorbed and influence the infant’s immune response.(11) Anti-allergic properties Allergic diseases in early childhood due to food poisoning seem to be particularly common in all over the world. Many factors are responsible for food allergy in young children, but cow’s milk proteins such as ÃŽ ±-lactalbumin and ÃŽ ²-lactoglobulin are the commonest allergens. They are not present in human milk.(8,3) The range of diseases due to milk protein intolerance is considerably high and includes atopicdermatitis (infantile eczema) , rhinitis failure to thrive ,otitis media, allergic gastroenteropathy and hypersensivity microhaemorrhages(11). However breast feeding will not eliminate food allergies, not even completely to cow’s milk. It will however reduce the incidence very gradually and delay their onset.(8) Anti-inflammatory properties Although inflammation is a beneficial defense to the infant, an exaggerated inflammatory response will result in reduced intake, illness, and gut damage. It is not entirely clear whether the exaggerated or unchecked inflammatory response to an infectious challenge occurs only in the gut or whether this extends to the infant’s systemic immune system. The overall the balance of factors in breast milk appears to dampen the inflammatory response Cytokines such as IL (Interleukin)6, IL10, Interferon, TGFÃŽ ²(transforming Growth Factor) and TNFR(Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor) 1 and 11 are anti-inflammatory factors found in breast milk.(3,2) HMOS (Human Milk Oligosaccharides) in breast milk also act as an anti-inflammatory substance. Inflammation benefits the host as a defense mechanism7 and biological anti-inflammatoryof breast milk minimizes the symptoms without interfering the immune response of the infant(9) Drugs/Chemical Toxicants Potentially toxic chemical substances can be taken orally or intravenously by mothers and those drugs can be excreted in human milk. Very recently (1970), a newly recognizeduncommon form of neonatal jaundice has been described associated with the excretion of 3-ÃŽ ±, 2-ÃŽ ² pregnanediol in the breast milk, which competes for glucuronyl transferase in the infant’s liver. This condition has never been associated withkernicterus or other type of brain damage.(3,8) Few decades ago, protection from malaria was sought by administering anti-malarial drugs to nursing mother but, weren’t success.3Some chemical toxicants in drugs can interferewith the metabolism of babies. Ex: Mercury can alter the genetically determined responseof Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and might cause hemolysis.(3,10) Conclusion After birth the infant is having an immature immune system. Its capacity to produce antibodies is low. To compensate this immunodeficiency breast milk provides immunological factors. Infants immune system gradually develop with the age. Accordingly the constituents of breast milk vary with stage of breast feeding. Breast milk contains lot of immunological factors. Early stage of breast milk it has more, rather than later. By supplying immunity breast milk act as a dynamic, multifaceted fluid, containing nutrients and bio active factors needed for the infant’s health and development. So breast milk is turned out to be the most reliable, safest and cheapest way of supplying nutrients and immunity for the infants. When breast milk provides its immunity it does not cause any other side effects too. So we can finally conclude breast milk as an important mode of passive immunization in babies References (01) Section on Human milk composition Ballard and Morrow pediatrics journal 2013. pg 5263 (02) Section on breastfeeding and health outcomes .Diafericet al pediatrics journal 2013. pg34,5 (03) Human milk in the modern world JelliffeJelliffe. 2nd edition 1979. 85109 (04) Pubmed (05) The normal child.10th edition Roland S Illingworth .2005 (06) Text book of pediatrics .Nelson.19th edition. 28,160 (07) Immunology .RoittBrostoff .4th edition.1996 (08)Journal of nutrition. American society for nutrition. Department of Neonatology and Neonatal Intensive Care, SpedaliCivili, 25123 Brescia, Italy (09) Breastfeeding, Immune response, and long health. Kelly M. Jackson, PhD, Professor, Medical (11) Breastfeeding for Dummies, comparing formula and breast milk .Sharon Parkins, CarrolVannais (12) Personal information (13). Prentice, A. Regional Variations in the Composition of Human Milk. In: Jensen, RG., editor.Handbook of Milk Composition. Academic Press, Inc.; San Diego, CA: 1995. p. 919 (14). Jensen, RG. Handbook of Milk Composition. Academic Press, Inc.; San Diego, CA: 1995.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Field Study 2

LOOKING THROUGH THE MEANINGFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCE Name of Fs student: Xysha Mae M. Roldriguez Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Year: III Resource Teacher: Josephine G. Paulin Signature: ______________ Cooperating School: Monkayo Central Elementary School Name of School Observed: Monkayo Central Elementary School School Address: Monkayo, Compostela Valley Province Date of Visit: September – October 2012 1. What principles in teaching – learning were commonly applied? – the principles in teaching – learning commonly applied were the learning environment is supportive and productive.And that learning is an active process which begins and ends in their cognitive aspects. 2. What are the instructional materials used in teaching? – The instructional materials used are picture flash cards, charts, visual aids, and books. 3. Which of the principles in teaching facilitate the cognitive, metacognitive and positive motivational process of learning? â €“ Promote assessment as part of the learning process. Students (and sometimes teachers) typically see assessments as purely summative: something that teachers do to students at the end of a topic.Building the perception that (most) assessment tasks are part of the learning process includes encouraging students learning from what they did and did not do well as well as having students taking some ownership of and responsibility for aspects of assessment. It also includes teachers ensuring that they are assessing for a range of aspects of quality learning wider range of skills than is often the case. Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experience. * The teacher is responsible in aiming the development of creative and critical skills. Creative thinking involves reating something new or original. It involves the skills of flexibility, originality, fluency, elaboration, brainstorming, modification, imagery, associative thinking, attribute listing, metaphorical thinking, and forced relationships. The aim of creative thinking is to stimulate curiosity and promote divergence. While critical thinking can be thought of as more left-brain and creative thinking more right brain, they both involve â€Å"thinking. † When we talk about HOTS â€Å"higher-order thinking skills† we're concentrating on the top three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.The teacher must not only ask questions that begins with what, who, where and when because these are low – level questions. In order to develop the thinking skills the teacher should exercise questions like how and why, this is one way to develop their critical and creative thinking skills. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs Name of Fs student: Xysha Mae M. Roldriguez Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Year: III Resource Teacher: Josephine G. Paulin Signature: ______________ Cooperating School: Monkayo Central Elementary SchoolDescription of Teaching Strategies * Classroom strategies used by the teachers are collaborative/ creative learning in which students work together in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal. They carefully planned and executed the activity given. Next, is the discussion strategies were in the students are engage in discussion that deepens their learning and motivation by developing their own views and hear their own voices. A good environment for interaction is the first step in encouraging students to talk. Description of learning activities The learning activities done by the students and teacher were successful. Wherein the students were able to participate in the given activity and cooperate with each other. They actively participated even though some students got the wrong answers. The learning activity given gave the students impact in their cognitive and psychomotor skills. It helps them think ideas by answering the activity. Their personalities were develope d because the teacher integrated values in her lessons. Description of learners’ participation (proportion of learners who participated and quality of participation) There was a high percentage of participation in class. There were only few students who did not participate in class. There is a good quality of participation in class since majority participated in the activities. They learn to participate wherein they can develop their self confidence and communication skills. Scribble a brief reflection of your feelings and insights from your observation experience. -learning is an active process. The teacher should actively engage the learners in learning activities.For we all know that no one can learn for us, in the same way that nobody can eat and sleep for us. So, teachers should give opportunities for students to actively participate in classroom activities. There should be â€Å" hands-on-minds- on â€Å" learning. Yet, the most effective approaches according to the r esearchers are learning by doing and learning by teaching others. Assisting a Teacher with a Teacher’s Toolbox Name of Fs student: Xysha Mae M. Roldriguez Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Year: III Resource Teacher: Josephine G.Paulin Signature: ______________ Cooperating School: Monkayo Central Elementary School Subject Observed: English School: Monkayo Central Elementary SchoolYear: IV Matrix| Subject Matter| Objectives| Instructional Materials| Learning Activities| Assessment Tools Used| Parts of Speech & Figures of Speech| – To prepare the students for the coming finals- Mastery of the Parts of speech and Figures of speech | – Visual Aids- Textbooks| – Review- Discussion- Recitation| – Drills- Graded Recitation- Board Work- Quiz| ————————————————- Observation ReportThe first objective of the lesson is preparing the students fo r the finals, next is the Mastery of the Parts of Speech and Figures of Speech and the third objective is to make the students realize how important the lessons are in the next level and how they can use it in daily life. Learning activities such as discussion, review, recitation was facilitated by the teacher and she used drills, board work and a quiz as her assessment tools. The students were all participating, and knew most of the answers and were even able to give examples of any figure of speech asked for them to define.They also know how to analyze the sentences given on the board on how sentence patterns are used such as S-LV-C pattern and S-TV-DO pattern. The teacher knew that the students will learn better with enough practice and she encourages all of them to speak to build their confidence to recite in class. All of the activities she engages the students in are all a part of her lesson plan so she can reach her objectives for that day. If I were the teacher I would use a ctivities that will cover the learning process holistically and a plan that will be utilized to obtain the objectives that I set for the students to reach.I will also use other activities that will enhance their social skills and language competency such as role playing. Analysis: 1. What are the objectives of the lesson, the subject matter, learning activities and assessment tools used by the teacher? The first objective is to prepare the students for the coming finals. The teacher was able to clear this part of her objectives because I’ve seen how the students perform during the class activity and I can say that most of them are ready for finals despite the fact that belong to section 5. Next is the Mastery of the 8 Parts of speech and Figures of speech.This objective was achieved around 80-85 percent of the class. The discussion was very effective because it gives the students a sense of familiarity because they learn better using this kind of activity. The board work and drills were also effective in making the students apply everything they studied for the upcoming finals. They were not only ready for the exam but they also carry the life lessons that the teacher has instilled in their hearts. The teacher wanted the students to realize how important the lessons are in the next level and how they can use it in daily life.The integration of values in the lessons is always practiced by the teacher in any class she handles and I admire her for doing that. We as future teachers must know that we are not only mind enhancers but also heart and spirit molders. 2. How do the learners participate in the activities? I must admit that I don’t know if I should be impressed with the teacher or with the students. Why? Because the students were active participants of the class when most people would expect that these kids are no good at all because when asked they answer, when requested to give an example they perform. They even recite in.The question is do they perform this well in other subjects? If this is the same scenario I would see with other teachers, then they are without a doubt a very good class. But I’ve observed other teachers too and I must say the teacher is someone who has an aura that makes the students well-behaved. The moment they see her coming students go to their seats it’s not because she is a terror teacher but she already reached the classroom climate which is a business-like but non-threatening atmosphere. The students participated actively, with very good answers and listened attentively to everything that the teacher has to say.So I think it’s in the teacher if the students would act out or be unruly on how she will handle these things. The students can smell fear and they can take advantage of that if they wanted to. These students are more impressive than the 3-4. This was the second time I observed them and I was still impressed as if I was observing 3-1 students. 3. What reasons doe s the teacher give in having such learning activities? The teacher first decides on which objectives to work on by using the needs of the students as basis.In this case, it is the needs of the 3-5 that the teacher decides to do a review before the final exam comes. She chose discussion because the students are more adept in learning when it comes to reviewing if she uses this kind of approach in teaching them. To satisfy my curiosity, I interviewed a few students in 3-5 and they admitted that they learn better when the teacher discuss the lesson instead of doing other styles. Since it is almost the end of the school year, the teacher obviously knows how to design her lesson plan and she already knows the best way for the 3-5 students to learn.The teacher knows that the board work enhances the writing skills and grammar skills while the recitation covers mostly speaking skills, social skills and building one’s self-confidence. Quizzes also help the teacher evaluate how far the students have reached in terms of the lesson. So we can’t do away with any of these things when it comes to teaching. We can’t leave out anything because they are all important. The plan must be complete or the system would fall apart. We have to consider everything because all these things are a part of the teaching-learning process. . If you were the teacher, what activities, materials and assessment tools will you use? Why? I can’t say I would only focus on a single activity but I have to utilize all the learning activities I have learned on my major subjects especially this semester I have learned a lot of activities and studied on how to use materials that can be utilized to encourage speaking and enhance grammar in class such as maps, graphic organizers, role playing, group projects, group games, interactive discussion, cooperative learning and many more.I also learned about the different types of assessment tools such as rubrics, exams, portfolios and ot hers. Of course it is not only the students who are being considered here but also the lesson and how it relates to a certain material, activity and evaluation. Activities, materials and assessment tools must be in sync with the objectives so it will be a smooth flow all throughout the period. I plan to use a variety of techniques to know what is suitable for the students. To find out what is their special skills are or what kind of learner they are.And which activities they are weak in and make that weakness disappear or if not help them cope with it. What they lack in something must be compensated by another skill. Through using these things as tools in the correct way, the success rate of teaching-learning process is in very good hands. Reflections: 1. What insights/learning & new understandings have you gained from your experience? I have really learned a lot from this semester. All the observing experiences made me see all the important facts in being a teacher. They made me re alize about a lot of things not just in teaching but also about life.These experiences are by far the most fruitful of all in my school life. I learned to manage my time, worry about important things in life and see the teacher in me. Good teachers are full of passion, well prepared for their lesson, have anticipatory skills and of course live with integrity. Aside from knowledge, teachers must possess positive attitudes and admirable work ethics. One sees these qualities through the way activities are facilitated by the teacher, how the materials are organized and prepared, and another thing is how the assessment tools are used.The assessment must never be used to punish the student. This is where positive attitude comes in. Dedication, hard work and punctuality are also important. We should demonstrate not just the lesson but also the process by which we learn. All teachers must realize that part of their job is to teach their students how to learn. I’ve learned that metaco gnition comes in when we focus on learning how to learn. Teachers must also learn from their mistakes, and experiment continually with ways to improve their strategies and teaching methods.GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN THE SELECTION AND USE OF TEACHING STRATEGIES Name of FS Student______________________________________________________________ Course_______________________________________ Year & Section _____________________ Resource Teacher 1_____________Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 2_____________ Signature ______________Date______________ Resource Teacher 3_____________Signature______________ Date______________ Cooperating School_______________________________________________________________My Target In this Episode, I must be able to: * Write evidence of application of some guiding principles in the selection use of teaching strategies My Tool As I observe a class, I will use the Observation Sheet for a more focused observation. OBSERVATION SHEET| Name of th e Resource Teachers Observed:________________,__________________,________________School Address:_________________________________________________Date:___________________Grade/ Year Level: _________________________________ Subject Area: _________________________|Guiding Principles in the Selection and Use of Strategies| Teaching Behavior/s of the Resource Teacher that Applies the Principles| 1. Learning is an active process. | 1. | 2. The more senses are involve, the more and the better the learning. | 2. | 3. A non – threatening environment enhances learning. | 3. | 4. Emotion has the power to increase retention and learning. | 4. | 5. Good teaching goes beyond recall of information. | 5. | 6. Learning is meaningful when it is connected to the students’ everyday life. | | 7. An integrated teaching approach is far more effective than teaching isolated bits of information. | |

Friday, January 10, 2020

Zen and the Way of the Sword: Arming the Samurai Psyche

Winston L. King is a known Buddhist writer who has mainly presented the different issues of Buddhism in a well versed manner that it could be assessed as a major practice of discipline that could be applied to different activities in the society today. In this particular reading, Buddhism has been noted to assist in the process of using meditation as a matter of increasing concentration among samurai practitioners to make their activity a more efficient and applicable practice of defense and art. About the Book As mentioned earlier, the book further discusses the major issues that relate Zen meditation to the practices of Samurai. More than just the relation of Zen to Samurai practice, the book further notes the needed thought that provokes the possibilities of making the Zen meditation as a major source of discipline among different practices of martial arts and self defense among several enthusiasts of the said practice. Content and Summary Zen is a sect of Buddhism that emphasizes religious meditation. It was a belief introduced in China in 520 by Bodhidharma. It has mainly two branches both concentrating on meditation practices on different aspects. One is the za-zen which is plain meditation while the koan is a meditation problem with no logical solution. Other forms of meditation, which were not discussed in this part of the discussion, could well be described as simple forms of medical advancement to deal with stress. But still, many others rooted out from religious beliefs and practices such as the Yoga and the Zen practice. Still regarding meditation, a Neurologist, James H. Austin M. D. talks about the Zen meditation and its relation to the brain. For him it is more than just a religious practice. Zen, according to him has a reasonable biological explanation behind all the practices it promotes. As he has written in his book, he shows that chemical messengers (hormones) are affected by the sensory input, also he points out how the brain is wired and how are its parts like the Thalamus acts as a sensory gate. It also includes the fact that the olfactory system bypasses the thalamus and acts directly on the mid-brain and affects the chemical signals. With regards to these details, Austin makes it clear how the Zen meditation practice works for a person as it directly involves how the brain along with its parts and functions help in making the Zen practice a successful one. Reaction and Critique It is through this reading that the Zen practice is noted as a major source of discipline for individuals practicing the art of self defense. Although it cold be noted that the author prepared a much effective way in presenting the said meditation in more positive view, he at least forgot, or might as well said overlooked the fact that there are certain spiritual elements of the people practicing the said meditation that might be affected by the belief that Zen practice itself suggests. Moreover, being a Buddhist himself, King may have better presented his claims and explanations about the Zen practice in a more general perspective that could assist in making the procedures of discipline much applicable for all other groups of people. Considerably, the manner by which samurai practitioners apply Zen in their way of living could also be used by other non=samurai individuals who are simply wanting to have an idea of how the meditation actually works. This way, the book would not only be able to cater to samurai enthusiasts but also to other people who are simply wanting to know something about the Zen meditation. Undeniably though, the book of King could be considered a fine read for those who are wanting to appreciate the benefits of personal discipline through the different approaches of meditation.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Life Of Human Resources A Personal Account - 1344 Words

Life in Human Resources: A Personal Account Career preparation and overall position success revolves around knowledge and educational development. Gaining the skills to proficiently perform the duties of any position is of the greatest advantage for staff members and organizational leaders. At the same time, even gaining such knowledge and education is not enough to cultivate sustainable skills and competencies in a manner in which to create a strong career path and achieve personal goals (Cosby, 2014). As such, the following is an overall assessment of personal decision making and problem solving accouterments, developed professional etiquette, communication skills, time management strategies, and professional goal setting. Decision†¦show more content†¦Sometimes leaders have to make decisions that provide the most supportive solutions for the organization as a whole. Developed Personal and Professional Etiquette The establishment of personal and professional etiquette is necessary in the business setting. Professional etiquette is the unwritten code of conduct that everyone should establish when interacting with other members in their personal and professional circles (Shepherd University, 2016). Additionally, there exist a number of areas in which proper etiquette must be established, which include correspondence, telephone usage, physical appearance, conversations, and meeting attendance. Applying this personally, when attending meetings there are a couple very necessary etiquette properties. First, show up on time and end the meeting on time. Everyone has very busy schedules and sometimes back to back meetings, therefore it is very important for the meeting to take place at the time and in the timeframe allotted. When conducting a meeting, there is always an agenda with topics of discussion and time allotment, this assists in making sure th e meeting stays on track and on time. Secondly, arrive to the meeting prepared for the topics of discussion. It is important to be a contributor to the discussion, therefore arriving prepared and knowledgeable about the topic of discussion is extremely important. For this reason, the agenda is created and distributed to team members ahead of theShow MoreRelatedBank of America951 Words   |  4 Pagesof 31.61%. The factors that hurt the bank would be due to customers closing accounts without making the bank aware and making sure that they have a system in place for when they received checks written in large sums to be cleared. Another weakness would be holding on to the customers direct deposit to cover debts that they may have. 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